100 Doors Parallel Worlds level 31 to 40 Walkthrough

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough 
Stage 2 Levels 31 to 40

Solution, tips, tricks, hints, cheats, explanations, and a guide to 100 Doors Parallel Worlds.
Detailed answers with the full solution.

These 10 levels are quite difficult.  
You will have to spend a good deal of time trying to figure them out.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 31

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 31
Your first quest here is to solve this rather difficult mathematical equation.
What comes next: 1, 6, 28, 145, ???

If you struggle to solve it, let me help...


With the solution of 876, you need to move the right slider to:
8, then 7, then 6.  Each time, tap the slider button on the number.
If correct, the door will open

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 32
Clock Room

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 32
Hint: You can adjust the clock by moving the hands on the left-hand-side clock.
Hint 2: Set the time according to the grey dot on the left clock.
Hint 3: Something is hiding behind the clock.

To solve:
Turn the hand on the left-hand-side clock until it is 6:30 on the right-hand-side clock.
(The dot on the left is at 6:30)

With the time on 06:30, drag the left-hand-clock down.
You will see the letter G on a button.
Tap this G-button and the door will open.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 33
Symbols X2

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 33
Look at the patter on the mat.  Match this with the symbols on the left.
The dark squares will give you: Circle, Star, Triangle.

X2 hints that you need to tap each symbol twice.
I had to zoom in a bit to get this one right:

Tap the circle on the left, then the circle on the right.

Tap the Star on the left, then the star on the right
Tap the triangle bottom left on the left, then the triangle middle right on the right.

Door will open.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 34
6 Shields

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 34
You need to pull down all the shields in order from lowest to biggest number of lines.

The shield on the left has 1 line.  Pull it down.
The shield on the far right has 2 inner lines.  Pull it down.
The shield Top Right has 3 circles in it.  Pull it down.
The lion shield bottom left has 4 legs.  Pull it down.
The star shield bottom right has 5 angles.  Pull it down.
The top left shield has 6 lines.  Pull it down.

Door will open.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 35
Shields with numbers

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 35
You need to move the clock handle according to the degrees on the shield.

Press the G button after every line:

-90, so move the hand 90 degrees anti clock-wise. (will point west)
1080, so move the hand clock-wise 3 times around. (will point west)
45, move the hand 45 degrees clockwise.  (will point north-west)
0, so do not move.  Just press G and the door will open.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 36

Tapestry - spot the differences

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 36
Hint: The sign on the door means "not equal"

Zoom in and look at the 2 tapestries.
Spot 3 differences on each tapestry.
Tap the differences and you will see a puff of smoke if correct.
Once all 6 are tapped, the door will open.

Left: Cat in the bottom right corner, Balloon at the top left, Light on Jesus's head
Right: Castle light (close to the top on the right), Flower top left, and a motorcycle (bottom center)

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 37

5 blue buttons with a sword in the stone

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 37
Look at the signs on the rock:
> [ | S

Now make these patters on the 5 blue dots:

1:  Top left, middle, bottom left.
2: Top right, top left, bottom left, bottom right
3: Top left, bottom left
4: Top right, top left, middle, bottom right, bottom left.

Make sure you tap correctly.  You will see a puff and heat a beep each time you click.
If you done it correctly, you will hear a tweet sound when done.

Now you can pick up the sword.
Use the sword on the lock.
Door will open.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 38
Candles I II III IV V

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 38
Count the lit candles next to the Roman Numerals I, II, III, and IV
You should get 1, 2, 3, 5
To calculate what V will be, use the above and do a Fibonacci count to get 8.

So the answer is 1,2,3,5,8
Move the slider to each number then tap the slider and move to the next number.
1,2,3 on left, then 5 and 8 on right.

Door will open 

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 39
Burning black balls

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 39
You need to turn on all the torches.
Each torch you tap, affects itself and 1 or more other torches.

A possible solution:
Tap bottom left, bottom right, top left.
All will burn and the door will open.

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough Level 40
red, white, and black symbols

100 Doors Parallel Worlds Solution Door 40
Look at the 2 black symbols and notice that you need to swap the red and white pieces.
The red and white pieces can jump over 1 piece of the opposite color.

To swap them around, follow this pattern - 
There are 6 blocks, so tap:
2, 5, 3, 1 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 3, 4, 3

Door will open.

Well done!
100 Doors Parallel Worlds Stage 2 completed.
Hope you enjoyed this guide and walkthrough!
It was some tough puzzles!
Take a 5 minute break.  You deserve it.

For a link to the other levels of 100 Doors Parallel Worlds Walkthrough, click here.

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