100 Doors of Revenge Level 61 to 70 Walkthrough

100 Doors of Revenge Level 61 to 70 Walkthrough
100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 61 to 70

Walkthrough with detailed solution to guide you through 100 Doors of Revenge.  Answers, hints, tips, tricks, and cheats.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 61
Spiderweb and bark

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 61
Shake your device.  A spider will climb out from the bark and go to the web.
4 Flies will appear.

Drag all the flies and drop them on the spider for lunch.
Door will open once all flies are gone.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 62
Statue in the sand

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 62
Hold you device upside down and shake.
The body of the statue will appear in the sand.
Pull the body up all the way to the head.
Door will open.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 63
Planks, rocks, carpet and vase

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 63
Take a rock and place it on the carpet.
Move the vase to the top of the shelf.
Shake the device so the vase falls off and smash itself on the rock.
The key will reveal itself on the rock.  Take it and unlock the door to win level 63.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 64
121212... water in the container

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 64
Use 2 fingers then tap both 1's then both 2's
Repeat as fast as you can (without breaking your device!)
The water will start rising.  When it reach the top, the door will open.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 65
Green and Gray

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 65
To win level 65, both lights need to be green.
If you tap the 2 middle buttons, they will rotate.
However, if you tap and hold a button, you can tap the other one to rotate on its own.

So, tap and hold the bottom button.  Bottom light will turn green.
Hold it down and then tap the top button until top is also green.
Door will open when both are green.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 66
Eish.  Devil number with bloody hands

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 66
Look at the hands and count the fingers: 4,5,4, then add the devil number: 666
Win level 66 with the code 454666

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 67
Clocks and Fan

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 67
The letters T, I, M, E are all over the screen.  Some in the shadows.

Count the letters:
T = 3
I = 2
M = 4
E = 5

Use the keypad with 3245

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 68
Left and Right

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 68
There are 5 pictures of doors above the door.
Press the left (or right) arrows until you see a door as the picture above the door, then tap the door.
Then search for the next door picture and tap the door.
Door will open if you found the right doors correctly.

Press the left arrow until you see a door that looks like a lift:

Tap the door.

Press left arrow until you see 2 windows on the door:

Tap the door.

Press the left arrow until you see the door with a dark square at the bottom:

Tap the door.

Press left arrow until you see the door with 2 windows like the first one.  Tap the door.

Press the left arrow until you see a door with a window at the top:

Tap the door.


100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 69

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 69
To figure out the value of X and Y is easy.  2,4,6,8, X=10, Y = 12.

Use the keypad with 1012.

Now you will see ? = 333

The bottom clue = ? + ? 
So 333 + 333 = 666

Use the keypad with 666 to solve level 69.
Press the green light to open the door.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 70
AM and PM

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 70
There are 2 clocks.  Left will be on 09:00 and right on 15:00

This level used to be buggy with the answer 45333,
but it seems after an update, it now works out correctly.

9 (left clock) x 15 (right clock) = 135
 AND 333, so use the keypad with 135333 to win

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