100 Cells Level 11 to 20 Walkthrough

100 Cells Walkthrough
100 Cells Solutions

Level 11, Level 12, Level 13, Level 14, Level 15, Level 16, Level 17, Level 18, Level 19, Level 20.

All the solutions to the 100 Cells puzzles for levels 11 to 20.  Tips, tricks, cheats, howto, guide.  Detailed explanations to the answers.

100 Cells Level 11 Walkthrough

100 Cells Door 11 Solution
Move the plants out of the way and search for the yellow key.
Take the yellow key and use it to unlock the safe.
Take the matches from inside the safe

Use the matches to light both lamps
The hole will open and you can escape level 11.

Bug: There is a bug on some devices where if you pick up the key it does not show in your inventory.
The key will be in the top slot, so to select the key, tap the top slot.
Ditto with the matches.  The matches will be in the 3rd position, so tap 3rd block and then the lamps to light them.

100 Cells Level 12 Walkthrough
We need TNT!

100 Cells Door 12 Solution
M = 18
B = 7

M is normally the 13'th letter and B the 2nd.  So you have to add 5 to the letter.

TNT will then be  25 19 25
Tap the keypad and solve level 12 with the code 251925

100 Cells Level 13 Walkthrough
Grid Math Puzzle

100 Cells Door 13 Solution
I have calculated the answer to grid using XLS.
My strategy was to show all the possible combinations for each row and column.
In the end there were 2 possible answers for the _ + 16 + 13 + _ = 53.
I tried the one and it did not work out.  Tried the other and the grid was solved.

This is the solved grid:

The red arrow shows top to bottom
9 14 12

Use the keypad and solve level 13 with he code 91412

100 Cells Level 14 Walkthrough
Soduku puzzle

100 Cells Door 14 Solution
To solve this Soduku puzzle, each row and each column and each 2x3 block needs to have the numbers 1 to 6, but only 1 of each.

Top row: 4 1 5 3 6 2
2nd row: 2 5 6 1 3 4
3rd row: 6 3 4 2 1 5
4th row: 5 4 1 6 2 3
5th row: 1 2 3 4 5 6
6th row: 3 6 2 5 4 1

Once completed, the sukuku will be gone.
Tap the right arrow and climb through the hole.

100 Cells Level 15 Walkthrough
Magic square

100 Cells Door 15 Solution
The sum of rows, columns and diagonals add up to 15.

To solve this magic square, put the even numbers in the corners, 5 in the middle.

2 7 6
9 5 1
4 3 8

100 Cells Level 16 Walkthrough
Naughts and crosses

100 Cells Door 16 Solution
Around the naughts and corsses games there are some Roman Numerals.

III = 3
LXXII = 72

Use the code 724 3 72 to win level 16

100 Cells Level 17 Walkthrough
Book shelf and plants

100 Cells Door 17 Solution
Move the plants and you will see the hint RGB

Count the Red books = 3 add the 1 Red plant = 4
Count the Green books = 3.  Add the 2 Green plants = 5
Count the Blue books = 8. Add the 1 blue plant = 9

Use the code 459 to solve level 17

100 Cells Level 18 Walkthrough
Books and candles

100 Cells Door 18 Solution
Look at the Hint above the door.
If there are more standing blue books than laying blue books, the candle should be lit.

So, lit candles 1,2,4

Climb through the hole to solve level 18

100 Cells Level 19 Walkthrough
3 book shelves

100 Cells Door 19 Solution
Move the top right standing shelf out of the way
Tap the hole to solve level 19

100 Cells Level 20 Walkthrough
Patterns and maths

100 Cells Door 20 Solution
Each patter has a value from 1 to 9.
You need to work them out!  You get the symbol for 3 and 9.

Hint: Look at around the middle where 3 _ / _ = 9.  Only 36 / 4 will fit in.
Then, look at the right most column:  You need someting x 4 to give a number higher then 3300.
800 x 4 = 3200.  So the Yellow-Green symbol needs to be and 8 or 9, but 9 is taken so it must be 8.
Now the rest will be easy.

From left to right: 2 3 6 8 1 4 9

Once correct, tap the white arrow and solve level 20 by tapping the hole.

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