Escape from 26 Walkthrough

Escape from 26 WalkthroughEscape from 26 Solution

Full walkthrough with step by step instructions on how to escape from the cage in "Escape from 26".  Tips, hints, and detailed explanations provided in this guide.  I will help you escape... alive!

About Escape from 26: Escape from 26 is a surreal point-and-click adventure game set in a dystopian world where people are being caged. You play as Lilly, a girl who finds herself trapped in one of these cages. Talk to people, collect objects, and solve puzzles as you search for answers and try to escape your cage.  Play the game from FreeWebArcade,

Escape from 26 Walkthrough starts here:

You begin inside a cage at the front door of a house:

Take the dirty clothes from the washing line next to the well
Take the empty bucket next to the well.
Take the wooden bars  next to the stairs
Take a clock part (1/10) next to bench in the grass.
Take a clock part (2/10) from the grass under the tree.
Take a clock part (3/10) from the grass a bit to the right from the well.
Take a clock part (4/10) from the grass at the out-house toilet.
Take a clock part (4/10) from the grass to the left of the staircase.
Climb up the stairs and enter the top floor of the house.

Talk to Andy that sits at the table.

Andy: Hi.  Are you my roommate?
Select 1) I suppose.   Who are you?
Andy: "I'm Andy.  I've been alone so long I don't remember my family name."
Select 1) All by yourself?
Andy: "It's hard to live alone.  I tried to was my clothes. Really. I promise..."
Select 1) Looks like you need a hand.
Andy: "Please lady.  Do the laundry for me... and I will give you the key for the lower rooms".
Select 1) Of course I will help you.

Pick up the matches from the small table almost in the lower right corner.
Pick up the clock part (6/10) at the fire place.

Go outside and down to the well.

Use the empty bucket on the well.  It will now be a bucket full of water.

Enter the wash-house.  It is the room almost behind the house.

Use the bucket of water on the boiler.
Use the wooden bars on the boiler
Use the matches on the boiler
"That should do it.  Now we will have hot water running"

Put the dirty clothes on the basin
Take the soap from the shelf to the right of the shower head.
Use the soap on the basin
Use the empty bucket on the shower head to fill it with hot water
Use the bucket on the basin.  Now you will have clean wet clothes.

Go outside.
Hang the wet clothes on the washing line
Go sit on the bench to wait "about 2 hours" for the clothes to dry.
Take the clean (dry) clothes from the line.

Climb the stairs and enter the top story room

Talk to Andy
Andy: Are my clothes clean yet?
Select 1) Yes, here you are.

You will get a key from Andy.

Go out and down-stairs

Use the key to unlock the front door.  Enter.

Pick up a clock part (7/10) from the jacket
Take the pen from the other jacket

Read the old letters on the floor.  The important part is to note about turning off the light.

Enter the door on the right that leads to the bedroom.

Pick up a clock part (7/10) from under the side table.
Take the cloth for cleaning from the chest at the foot-end of the bed.
Take the screwdriver from the set of drawers.

Use the bed.
Stand up and while it is dark, go outside.  (Hint: If it is not dark when you stand up, climb back in bed, and climb out a bit quicker)
Talk to Ann on the bench

She will tell you to get a message from the radio.
Go back inside, back to bed.  It will now be light again.

Zoom in on the radio.
Tune it by turning the knob clock-wise.
You will get to a station where you will hear some morse code (hint: Turn on the sound if you do not hear it).

Too difficult and too fast?
OK.  Lets go outside
Fill the empty bucket with water
Enter the outhouse

Use the bucket with water on the toilet
Use the cleaning cloth on the toilet
Now that all is clean, take the toilet paper.

Go back to the bedroom.

Use the toilet paper on the radio
Use the pen on the radio
Ah! The code will be written on the paper.
You need Annie to help you with the code, so climb in and out of bed (must still be dark when you climb out)
Go outside to the bench to Annie.

Give the note to Annie.
Annie will give you the code to the padlock: 3867. (You might get another code)
She will also tell you that you need to fix the clock.

Climb back in bed so that it can be light again.
Exit the bedroom and enter the room on the left.
Open the lock with your code (remember you might have a different code)

Now you are in the clock room

Take bolts from the cupboard on the right
Take the clock wind from the lower left cupboard.
Take a clock part (9/10) from the top of the cupboard.
Take a clock part (10/10) from the crack in the wall, right of the cupboard.

Zoom in on the clock:

Insert all the clock parts from the right into the clock.
The cog gears all goes into the lower part, and the 2 clock hands at the top.
There is only 1 correct spot for each part, so keep trying until it accepts the part at the right spot.

Zoom out.
Use the screwdriver on the clock
Use the bolts on the clock
Use the clock wind on the clock.

You will see the message "the time is running now"

Go to bed and stand up while it is still dark
Go outside and talk to Annie on the bench.

She will tell you that it is time to escape, and the boy upstairs will also be free the next time he goes to bed.
Click the message and off you go!

Well done on a great escape.
Hope you found my walkthrough useful.
Please leave a comment below if you need more help, would like to correct something, or if you are in need of a chat or suggestion.

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